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Community Support Program (CSP)

Australian businesses can use our Community Support Program (CSP) to offer employment to someone in need and help them settle in Australia. By doing so, your business becomes an 'Australian supporter'.

To be eligible, you must have:

  • an Australian Business Number
  • a genuine position available within your business

Businesses can:

  • suggest an eligible CSP applicant and make them a job offer
  • seek assistance to be matched with an eligible applicant
  • employ one or more CSP visa holders once they arrive in Australia

You must be able to offer meaningful, stable work and adhere to Australian workplace laws.

There are no minimum requirements for employment, but the job you offer needs to provide enough income to give the CSP entrant financial self-sufficiency.

Wages must be in line with the standards for your specific workplace.


We have appointed Approved Proposing Organisations (APOs) to manage applications and help settle people in need.

If you would like to support someone in humanitarian need, you need to approach an APO.

They can help you if you:

  • already know someone you want to employ
  • want to be matched with someone who has the skills and experience needed for the job

APOs will:

  • manage the visa application process
  • provide CSP entrants with additional support and advice throughout resettlement

Your obligations

As an employer of a CSP entrant, you must make sure you meet all obligations under Australian workplace laws. You will also need to make sure you stay in touch with the APO about how the entrant is going at work during the first year they are in Australia.

You will also need to meet:

  • any financial commitments if you agree to give financial support
  • assurer obligations if you are also providing an Assurance of Support (AoS) for the person in need

Work start dates

Once the person in need has an approved visa, they have the right to work in Australia straight away. However, it will take time to organise their travel to Australia and they will require support once they arrive to settle in before they commence their new job.

Each individual will have different circumstances, but your APO can advise how quickly you should expect them to start work after they arrive in Australia.