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Settle in Australia

Help our newest arrivals build their lives in Australia.

​​​Australia has a long and proud tradition of resettling migrants and refugees and vulnerable people in humanitarian need. Refugees are seeking protection from conflict and trauma the likes of which are hard to imagine.

With the right support, migrants and refugees can make extraordinary contributions and become outstanding members of society. There are lots of ways you can help our newest arrivals build their lives in Australia.

Key settlement topics

Relevant information for all new arrivals, including skilled migrants, family migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants on a range of topics with an aim of helping them settle in Australia.

Key settlement topics information

Language services

Language services are designed to help ensure that people with limited or no English language proficiency can access the services and programs they need.

Language services

MyAus App

Useful information about settling in and moving to Australia is also available on the MyAus App through the Apple Store and Google Play. This app has been developed by Migration Council Australia to assist migrants and the broader community with navigating systems and services in Australia. The app is available in multiple languages, allowing users to switch languages as and when they like.

MyAus App