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Settle in Australia

Help our newest arrivals build their lives in Australia.

​​​​​Language services

All Australians have the right to communicate and engage with the Australian Government and other essential services. This is irrespective of their:

  • first language preference
  • English language ability
  • cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Australia's linguistically diverse community sometimes experience a language barrier when accessing government services.

In the 2021 Census almost 700,000 people born overseas reported that they have limited English skill. This is around 60,000 more people than the 2016 Census.

Language services aim to ensure that people with limited or no English language skill can access the services and programs they need.

Language services include:

  • professional interpreters in person, via telephone or video conference
  • translation of government documents from English into other languages
  • translation of personal documents from a language other than English
  • translation of web sites
  • translation of multimedia resources
  • multilingual telephone information.

These language services support people with limited English to achieve settlement, access and equity objectives.

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet manages Indigenous language interpreting. For more information visit National Indigenous Australians Agency.

Ideally, interpreters and translators hold a credential conferred by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI). NAATI is Australia’s national standards and certifying authority for translators & interpreters.

Services regarding Australian Sign Language (Auslan) include:


TIS National

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) has a long history of delivering accessible multilingual language services. TIS National’s mission is to connect government, business and communities by providing credentialed, cost-effective and secure language services.

TIS National services are available anywhere in Australia in more than 150 languages. Interpreting services are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

For more information visit the TIS National website.

Free Interpreting Service

The Free Interpreting Service (FIS) aims to provide easier access to key services for people with limited or no English language skill. This is particularly important for conversations in technical, legal or health contexts.

For more information visit Free Interpreting Service (FIS).

TIS National delivers the FIS on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.

National Interpreter Symbol

The National Interpreter Symbol is a national public information symbol. This image lets you know that they can ask for language assistance when using government and other services. For more information visit National Interpreter Symbol.


Free Translating Service

People settling permanently and some temporary or provisional visa holders in Australia have access to the Free Translating Service. This service aims to support access to employment, education and community engagement.

To verify eligibility for this service visit Settle in Australia.

To submit an application visit Free Translating Service.

The website is easy to use and is available in English, Arabic, Farsi and Simplified Chinese.

Australian Government Language Services Guidelines

The Australian Government Language Services Guidelines are primarily for staff in Australian Government departments and agencies. They assist staff responsible for developing policy and administering programs and services for Australia's linguistically diverse communities.

These service guidelines include:


NAATI is Australia’s national standards and certifying authority for translators & interpreters. It is a not-for-profit company. NAATI is owned by Australian state and territory governments and incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001.

NAATI's role is to set and maintain high national standards in translating and interpreting services. They ensure there is a supply of appropriately credentialed translating and interpreting professionals responsive to the changing needs of Australia's linguistically diverse communities. For more information see NA​ATI.

For more information, see Statement of Endorsement of NAATI's certification system.