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Visa pricing estimator

Estimate the cost of your visa

Will you be lodging your application online?

Will the primary applicant be in Australia when the application is lodged?

Does the primary applicant hold a visa listed in Table 2 previous visas applied for in Australia, which they applied for while the applicant was in Australia?

* This value cannot exceed the number of applicants when the application is lodged.
* This value cannot exceed the number of applicants when the application is lodged.
The following Visa Pricing Estimator requires you to answer the questions as accurately as possible to provide you with an estimate for lodging a visa application. The estimator might not include the second instalment of the visa application charge which is payable for some visas. Please note this is an estimate for a visa application, if you have already lodged your application and you want to change/add applicants please refer to the Visa Pricing Table. The Department of Home Affairs Visa Pricing Estimator will give you an estimate of the charges you may need to pay to lodge a visa application. This is paid after you have made your application but before the visa can be granted. Read the department's full disclaimer. The Commonwealth of Australia does not guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of any material in the Visa Pricing Estimator.