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Citizenship test and interview

​​​​​Most applicants for citizenship by conferral aged between 18 and 59 years will have an appointment to sit the citizenship test. Others may only have an interview with us.

The test assesses your English language skills and what you know about Australia and Australian citizenship.

Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond is all you need to prepare for the test. The Department does not endorse or recommend any external courses that claim to help you prepare for the citizenship test, including paid external apps.

See Prepare for the citizenship test.



Learn about the citizenship test and interview​

Find out everything you need to know about the citizenship test and interview.

See details

Prepare for the citizenship test

The citizenship test will assess your knowledge of Australia, its people, beliefs rights and liberties, laws and values. 

See details

Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond

The citizenship test resource booklet Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond ​in English and a range of community languages, and a podcast series are available to help you to prepare for your citizenship test.

See details
