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Nominating a position


Nomination is the process of identifying a position to be filled by an overseas skilled worker in a business. Depending on the visa type and stream and the desired occupation, you may need to be approved as a sponsor or you may need to have negotiated a labour agreement with the Department.

Employers using​ labour agreements can only nominate overseas workers in occupations specified in their labour agreement. Skilled Occupation Lists exist for other visa types and streams that limit what occupations can be specified in a nomination

Before you submit a nomination you must conduct labour market testing and meet salary and employment requirements.

There are also other nomination requirements you need to meet depending on the visa you choose.


Skilled Occupation List

Once you have decided which visa might be the most appropriate for your situation, check if the occupation is on the relevant Occupation List.

Change in situation

​Find out what to do if you want your employee to work in a different occupation or if there is a change in situation.

Salary requirements

Check salary requirements