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Special consideration for children born and ordinarily resident in Australia that do not meet the health requirement

Your child may not meet the health requirement if they have a condition that requires health care and/or community services that is a significant cost or in short supply. We may still grant your child’s visa if they meet the eligibility for the child born and ordinarily resident in Australia assessment.

See more about significant costs and services in short supply.

​If your child was born in Australia and does not meet the health requirement for a temporary or permanent visa, you do not need to apply for special consideration. A​ visa processing officer will consider your child’s eligibility for the child born and ordinarily resident in Australia assessment.

The visa processing officer must be satisfied your child was:

  • under the age of 18 years old at the lodgement date of your visa application and
  • born in Australia and
  • ‘ordinarily resident’ in Australia.

The visa processing officer will confirm your child was born in Australia by sighting your child’s full standard Australian Birth Certificate issued by Births, Deaths and Marriages (extracts and ceremonial Birth Certificates are not accepted).

For your child to be ordinarily resident in Australia your child must have resided in Australia for more than 50 per cent of their life from the date of their birth until the lodgement date of their​ visa application. The visa processing officer will use your child’s movement records to calculate their time in Australia.

This special consideration ​is in recognition that children born and ordinarily resident in Australia have an inherent connection to the Australian community since birth.

Your visa processing officer will contact you if they need more information.

If your child does not satisfy the child born and ordinarily resident in Australia assessment, we may ​consider them​ for a health waiver if it is available for the visa subclass they applied for.
